Complete System Training
“All on the Same Page ©”
“Design Your Course ©”
These unique programs are a must for school systems who want to help eliminate liability and injury. Our approach is simple: we want everyone in the organization “All on the Same Page” when it comes to a crisis response. Any one at any time could be involved, or a witness to a crisis event. For example, the custodian, lunch room employee, bus driver, or substitute teacher are in contact with students just as teachers and administrators. Are they aware of your school’s policy on dealing with a crisis event? Do they have the proper training? Our program makes sure that everyone that comes into contact with any part of the student body is given consistent training on how to respond in a crisis situation.
This program fills in the gaps, making sure everyone in the school system is All on the Same Page when a crisis event occurs. Responding to a crisis is similar to responding to a fire: the proper response is achieved through consistent and repeated training—by everyone. Our program ensures everyone knows exactly how their school system expects them to respond.
Advantages of All on the Same Page:
- Training and testing for the entire school system included
- CMG does the work
- Minimal loss of employee work because training and testing is on-site/online
- Compliance tracking provided
- Entire school system certification
- System wide compliance monitoring
Who should attend:
- All teachers, not a select few
- Aides
- Substitutes
- Custodians
- Bus drivers
- Cafeteria employees
- Central and front office employees
Click here for “Design Your Course ©”
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